Open Door Policy
“I can’t do it. I can’t finish this for you and this is going to have to be my last day. I am really sorry.” These are not the words you want to hear from your contractor when you’re standing in the middle of a gutted kitchen. When we moved into our house, we found a friendly contractor who was eager for work and talked a big game. We believed...
Open Door Policy
“I can’t do it. I can’t finish this for you and this is going to have to be my last day. I am really sorry.” These are not the words you want to hear from your contractor when you’re standing in the middle of a gutted kitchen. When we moved into...
Many Members, One Body
When was the last time you stopped to marvel at your hand? Have you ever stood in awe of the 27 bones and over 100 ligaments that God designed to work in complete harmony every second of every day to accomplish even the most simple of tasks? The intricate design of...
By This All People Will Know
“All I know is that you need love, and I’ve got a family.” If you recognize these lyrics, you might be a product of the 90’s. Audio Adrenaline had it right, though. The concept isn’t just nostalgic—it’s biblical. Scriptural Roots The idea that the church is a family...
Discipleship is More Than an Event
Note from the Editor: FOCUS Weekend begins March 1. As the student team prepares for a few days of intense discipleship, Grant Hoover explains the philosophy behind these events, specifically about what they can and can’t do. Discipleship is always happening, even in...
Set Your Face Toward Jerusalem During Lent
We’ve just finished a season of fasting as a church body, and you may be thinking about continuing to fast through Lent this year. While our three weeks of corporate prayer and fasting during Depend have been meaningful as we seek God’s will for the growth of our...
Rescue the Perishing
Editor’s Note: This post was written on the ground last year, during a vision trip to a West Asian city. During the trip, team members prayer-walked the city and asked the Lord to rescue and redeem those who are perishing. “God is great! I bear witness that there is...
Biblical Principles for Divorce and Remarriage
I never imagined I’d be here! I hear these words from friends facing divorce—far too often—and it breaks my heart. I bet you come across these same situations, don’t you? As believers, we are called to love God and to love our neighbor. Dealing with troubled marriages...
Why Study Judges?
This spring, our Women’s Bible Study will be in the book of Judges. This book is familiar to us in parts and pieces; many of us know the stories of Deborah, Gideon, and Samson. But few of us know how those stories fit together in the book of Judges. We rarely stop to...
Growing in the Spiritual Disciplines
It’s happened in almost every small group I’ve been part of for the last twenty years. We have a sweet time of prayer at the end of the group. Men and women split up into gender-specific groups; we share what God is doing in our lives and learn more about each other...
4 Things That Have Changed How I Pray
So, how’s your prayer life? Real talk. How rich is your time with God in prayer? Let me give you a few snapshots of what my prayer life can often look like on any given day. Does any of this sound familiar? When I’m having my quiet time early in the morning, I often...