Rescue the Perishing

Rescue the Perishing

Editor’s Note: This post was written on the ground last year, during a vision trip to a West Asian city. During the trip, team members prayer-walked the city and asked the Lord to rescue and redeem those who are perishing. “God is great! I bear witness that there is...
Out of Darkness and Into His Marvelous Light

Out of Darkness and Into His Marvelous Light

Editor’s Note: Through the Entrusted & Sent initiative, Providence is partnering with IllumiNations and Pioneer Bible Translators to fund a translation of the New Testament in the Tenebre language. Tenebre is a pseudonym, used for the security of the people...
Bringing the Light to Those in Darkness

Bringing the Light to Those in Darkness

Do you remember what it was like to be afraid of the dark? I can still picture being in my childhood room at night, trying to fall asleep while the shadows of the unknown kept me awake. I would close my eyes tight or pull the covers over my head, attempting to shield...
The Story of New England Outreach

The Story of New England Outreach

The Call To Go The awestruck assembly gazed up into the sky as a humble yet majestic figure ascended far above and was veiled from view. The air was marked by stunned silence. Before taking His heavenly throne, Jesus left His disciples with a daunting mission—to...
Witness to the War

Witness to the War

In June of 1942, during the first year of WWII, there was a battle in the Pacific between the navies of the United States and Imperial Japan. The Battle of Midway was a unique battle because the opposing forces never got close enough to see each other. It was a...
A New Perspective on My Part in God’s Mission

A New Perspective on My Part in God’s Mission

I thought we would be the heroes.  In January, a group of five Providence members took a trip to West Asia. My expectation going into the trip was one of making an impact and setting up the church there for success. However, the Lord quickly humbled me and revealed...