Providence Young Adults seek to connect, equip and mobilize young adults to make disciples of Christ.
Young adults are faced with unique challenges in today’s culture. We want to create opportunities for you to be connected with other young adults at Providence, be equipped with the truth of God’s Word, and be mobilized to serve the Church and the world. If you’re interested in meeting others in our community, we’d love to get to know you at one of our upcoming gatherings!
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Worship Gatherings
Tuesdays at 7:00 pm | Worship Center
Every Tuesday, we gather to worship, experience biblically-rich teaching, and enjoy fellowship in small groups. If you’re looking for an opportunity to connect with other young adults, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

Foundation Groups
Foundation Groups study systematic theology in order to help young adults become more rooted in what they believe and why they believe it, in accordance with Scripture. We offer them every fall. If you’d like to know more, email Thomas Maurer at
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