We partner with you to help your kids love Jesus with their hearts and trust him with their lives.
It really does take a village. Amazing things can happen in kids’ lives when their parents and churches work together. It’s the most important practice in helping kids grow confident in their knowledge of God. When you check your child into Providence Kids, they’re not being entertained – they’re experiencing Jesus through loving volunteers, engaging lessons, music, and crafts.
Sunday Mornings
Providence Kids offers classrooms for children birth through fourth grade at the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 services. We suggest arriving 15 minutes early to allow time for getting the kids checked in and settled into their classrooms. At check-in, you’ll receive a customized name tag for your child and a security tag for you. Please present this tag at pick-up. If your child is not yet potty-trained, we suggest bringing along an extra change of clothes. If, for any reason, we need you during the services, we will send you a text message or display your security tag number on the screens in the worship center.
His Kingdom Come
Open up God’s Word as a family and enjoy meaningful worship together. Visit hiskingdomcome.net to get daily Bible readings, weekly memory verses, discussion questions, family activities ideas, and more!
Your Child’s Safety
We take the safety of our children and students very seriously. Providence upholds the highest standards in screening and training of our team. All volunteers with kids and students are known individuals within the church who have completed a criminal background check, child abuse awareness training, and a personal safety screening. Additionally, no adult is permitted to work alone in any setting with a minor.
Parenting Resources
These resources help equip parents to intentionally lead their family to follow Jesus Christ.
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Serve in Providence Kids
We’re always looking for faithful volunteers to lovingly teach, guide, and care for kids on Sunday mornings. You can serve as a teacher, new family host, service coordinator, special buddies leader, or as part of our midweek task team.

Second and Fourth Sundays of the Month | 12:30-2:00 pm
The Bridge is a transitionary ministry for 5th and 6th graders that takes the place of their involvement in Providence Kids and Providence Students. The Bridge is designed to help you and your student navigate the rapid transitions ahead. Students are introduced to deeper studies in God’s Word that will prepare them for the student ministry while looking at its implications for the unique challenges they’re facing in school and home today.