What is the Snapshot?
Spiritual maturity is an impossible thing to measure. Only God knows what’s really in our hearts. But we also know that certain characteristics are produced when someone is growing in relationship with Christ. This spiritual health snapshot is designed to give you a look at your own attitudes, habits, and tendencies alongside the New Testament’s descriptions of spiritual maturity.
This assessment is not meant to serve as a spiritual grade. There is no pass/fail point. Much like an exam in the doctor’s office, the purpose is not to make you feel accomplished or like a spiritual failure. It simply offers a clear look at signs of health and areas where growth is needed. It helps you better discern your current discipleship needs. You can pick up a snapshot in the lobby next time you’re at the church, or you can download a copy now and take it.
Share Your Results
We would love to see what you learned about yourself in your snapshot. Your results stay confidential, but they also help us know you better. If you have any questions, you can also let us know and someone will follow up with you to discuss what you found. It will only take a few moments to send us your top line results.

Ready to take your next steps in spiritual maturity based on what you learned in your snapshot? Growth happens when we reshape our habits over long periods of time. Learn more about the Seven Characteristics and find things that you can do to begin growing. These ideas are not exhaustive, nor are they the only ways to move forward. That said, we’ve provided practical suggestions that you can immediately implement in your life, both individually and in community.