The gospel is true, even when life doesn’t go as planned.
As a church, we stand with one another through all of life’s curveballs, tragedies, and struggles. For most people, Community Groups are the perfect place to seek guidance, encouragement, and accountability in a gospel-centered community. But sometimes, extra support and assistance is needed. Providence offers opportunities for you to thrive in all of life’s highs and lows through the context of soul care.
What is Soulcare?
Soulcare is the natural process of truthful encouragement and accountability that takes place in the everyday activities of a healthy, growing church. It is intentional discipleship happening in the context of authentic Christian community. At its core, Soulcare involves everyone in the church practicing the “one another” commands in the Scriptures together. At its heart, Soulcare is:
The person of Christ, his pre-eminence, the gift of his life given to us. (Colossians 1:15-20)
Biblically-Grounded with Truth and Grace
We get principles for life and godliness from the Bible and we want to give counsel that is a blend of both truth and grace. (John 1:14)
The real counsellor is God who meets us through his Spirit. We want to be careful to give heed to his guidance and not simply let our experience dominate the direction for our counsel. (John 6:63)
Humility and dependence on God are shown most clearly through prayer. We want to practice and model both humility and dependence throughout the counseling process. (Colossians 4:2)
Humility and dependence on God are shown most clearly through prayer. We want to practice and model both humility and dependence throughout the counseling process. (Hebrews 10:24-25)
How can we pray for you?
Every week, our staff gathers to pray over the church, our members, and the community. If you need prayer over a specific area of your life, we’d love to know about it. If you want to make it confidential, you can do that too.
How can we support you?
If you’re going through a difficult season, we would love to come alongside you by putting the values of Soulcare in practice. Simply tell us about your situation and we will reach out with more information regarding the process and your best next steps.
Resources For You
If you’re experiencing a profound season of crisis, loss, or struggle with sin, Providence offers an array of groups and resources designed to guide you toward growth and recovery in the context of community. Please note that if you’re not currently involved in a community group, we may help you find one as your first step.

Freedom Groups
Mondays at 6:30 pm
Freedom Groups are a place for people to experience victory over stubborn strongholds and discover hope for enduring suffering. In these groups, we get to the root level of these struggles, looking at them through the lens of the gospel.

Biblical Counseling
We provide biblical counseling for individuals and couples facilitated through volunteer practitioners who are trained to help you get to the heart issues behind your area of struggle. If necessary, we can also provide referrals for clinical help.