Biblical Principles for Divorce and Remarriage

Biblical Principles for Divorce and Remarriage

I never imagined I’d be here! I hear these words from friends facing divorce—far too often—and it breaks my heart. I bet you come across these same situations, don’t you? As believers, we are called to love God and to love our neighbor. Dealing with troubled marriages...
A Forgotten Invitation

A Forgotten Invitation

“I’ve been a Christian for more than 20 years and I’ve never heard of lament.” “I didn’t know I was allowed to talk to God this way.”  “I feel like I’ve been missing out on this deeply meaningful way of connecting with God.” As a counselor, it’s not uncommon for...
The People God Uses

The People God Uses

Have you ever felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit, urging you to speak up, act out, or pursue a calling that you have stifled? It could be a big endeavor, like full-time ministry, or a small nudge, such as sharing the Gospel with your waitress. In either case, we have a...
Turning to God in the Midst of Anxiety

Turning to God in the Midst of Anxiety

Is godly anxiety possible? How can we remain faithful, even in the midst of anxiety? In 2 Chronicles 20, we find an example of godly anxiety. Jehoshaphat is king of Judah – a faithful king who loved and obeyed God. In the closing verses of 2 Chronicles 19, Jehoshaphat...