A Kingdom Promised, Part 2

Week of 2.19.2023 | Day Two


All Across The World
Answers in Genesis

God of All Nations
Kingdom Kids


Here are some verses for your family to read about how God responded to the people building the tower of Babel:

Genesis 11:5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. 6 And the Lord said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8 So the Lord dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. 9 Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth. And from there the Lord dispersed them over the face of all the earth.


Ask younger kids specific questions about the verses or to retell the passage. Ask older kids critical thinking questions. Here are a few suggestions:

What stood out to you from these verses? 

How does this show us that God is Sovereign (in control of all things)?

Are you more concerned about making God’s greatness known, or bringing attention to yourself?


Lead your family in a time of prayer over what you read.

Consider the ACTS model (Adoration- Adore or praise God, Confession- Confess sin, Thanksgiving- Thank God, and Supplication- Ask God to supply your needs)

Today we will focus on C-Confession: God, we admit that we choose to ignore your commands and think we can do things our own way. We desire to be recognized for our accomplishments instead of giving You the glory for all that You do. If we were left on our own, we would have no hope, but you give us hope through Jesus! We pray in His name, amen.