A Kingdom Promised, Part 1

Week of 2.12.2023 | Weekly Focus

Time passed, sin increased, and more people filled the earth. Signs that God’s kingdom had been broken by sin were growing clearer with each generation. But in this brokenness God had not abandoned His creation. Grieved by sin, He sends a flood to wipe away the sin and evil that had broken His creation. God demonstrates His grace by choosing to preserve the life of a faithful man, Noah, and his family. But Noah was not perfect. He still had a sinful heart, just like every person born since Adam. No amount of water from the flood could wash it away. 

The spark of hope reappears as God makes another promise to never flood the earth again, but to preserve His creation. He seals it with a sign; a rainbow. Someday He would send the perfect King to wash away sin forever and restore His kingdom, just as He designed it to be.

Memory Verse

Genesis 9:11 I establish my covenant with you, that never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood, and never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” 

Prayer Focus

Family/Friends: Pray for the specific needs of your family and friends
Providence Church Staff: Michelle Smith- Associate Director of Kids Care 
Local Church: Stonebriar Community Church, Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Local School: Rogers Elementary
Mission Partners: Ryan and Katelyn Travis
Global: Unreached People Group- Bernde (Chad, Africa)