Honor Your Parents

Week of 6.19.2022 | Day Three

The Fifth Commandment marks a shift from our heavenly relationship to our earthly relationships. Commandments One through Four are about honoring our relationship with God. Five through Ten are about honoring our relationship with one another. This commandment is essential to being able to rightly obey the rest of the commandments that relate to our earthly relationships. 

In the Fifth Commandment we see God’s desire for us to honor the closest figure of earthly authority we have, our parents. It is for children of all ages, not just young kids.This commandment also extends to honoring our spiritual family within the church, our spiritual parents or elders.  

Jesus fulfilled this commandment perfectly, honoring both His earthly parents and His Heavenly Father, God. His perfect example makes it possible for us to lovingly submit to God’s authority on earth as it will be done in heaven, for eternity.


The Donut Man

Q10 – What Does the Law Require in the Fourth and Fifth Commandments?
New City Catechism

Be Thou My Vision
Keith & Kristyn Getty


John 19:25-27


How is Jesus showing honor in this passage? 

There are not many recorded words that Jesus spoke from the cross, so why do you think Jesus chose to say this with his dying breaths?

Have you ever considered how honoring your parents is a way to honor God?


Take time to pray, thanking Jesus for His example of honoring his earthly and heavenly authority, even unto death for our salvation.

Family Challenge

Discuss ways that each member of the family can show honor to the authorities in your life and to God. Write it down as a visual reminder and encourage each other throughout the week by praying that you would outdo one another in showing honor.