God Provides for Hannah

Week of 5.15.2022 | Day Three


The Lord is Near (Psalm 34:17-18)
Seeds Family Worship

We Exalt Thee
Shane and Shane


1 Samuel 3:1-19


Why do you think Samuel was afraid to tell Eli the message from God?  
Samuel was raised mostly by Eli, and God’s message was a message of judgment for Eli and his sons. Samuel may have been afraid that Eli wouldn’t believe him, or he may have feared that Eli would be angry at him for the message. Sometimes, God’s messages can be hard to hear, because they tell us we deserve death for sin. But we must understand how serious sin is in order to see how much we need a Savior.

Is there anyone in your life that you would be afraid to tell about Jesus?  
The Bible contains harsh messages for people who refuse to honor God. Many people hear those messages and think they are hateful or wrong. It can be difficult to share the truth with people who don’t want to believe, but God can give us the wisdom and courage we need to share with anyone. It is always important to be loving in the way we talk about God’s truth.


Pray together as a family about what you read today. Thank God for how wonderful works that only He can do and sending Jesus to be our Savior!

Today and the rest of the week, use these prayer points to expand your family prayer time to the local and global gospel mission: 

Family/Friends: Continue to pray for the specific needs of your family and friends
Providence Church: Whitney Eaton, Director of Women’s Ministry
Local Church: Onward Community Church, Connor Baxter
Local School: Carrol Elementary
Global: Unreached People Group- Yadav (India)
Mission Partners/Local Missions: Wells of Joy

Family Challenge

Volunteer with your family to serve our church in some way, such as cleaning or organizing classrooms for the kids ministry or getting involved in Backyard Kids Clubs. Summer is a great time for volunteering together! Discuss the ways Hannah and Samuel each had to trust God. Talk about the different ways we have to trust God, too.