God Gives Solomon Wisdom

Week of 8.7.2022 | Weekly Focus

What exactly do you pray for the next generation? You may hope for them to be good and productive citizens, make good decisions, marry the right person, or raise a beautiful family. It may be that you hope they will become committed to the local church and even show evidence of their love for God in how they serve others.

In 1 Kings 2, we see an incredible example of how to pray for the next generation. Whether your own kids, your future kids, the kids you are investing in through your church, or others that you influence, consider David’s desire. 

The first four verses of 1 Kings 2 contain David’s dying words to his son Solomon. David told Solomon to grow into a godly man who is faithful to the Lord in every way. Specifically, David called Solomon “to walk in his ways and to keep his statutes, commands, ordinances, and decrees.”

When you think about the way you pray for the next generation, does it sound like this? Does it sound like the words of a dying father who knows his child’s only hope is to trust in God and follow Him faithfully? Or does it sound more like a hopeful fan who wants a good, moral societal participant that they will be associated with and maybe even reap the benefits of their success?

We ought to want what God wants for our own lives and the lives of the next generation that we are investing in. Our hope should be that they would faithfully follow God as they grow into godly people who are faithful to the Lord in every way.

As you pray through this week’s prayer points, devote time to also pray for the next generation.

Prayer Focus

Family/Friends: Pray for the specific needs of your family and friends
Providence Church Staff: Whitney Eaton, Director of Women’s Ministry
Local Church: The Village Church, Pastor Matt Chandler
Local School: Liberty High School (And all the school administration and staff as they prepare for the new school year)
Mission Partners: East West Ministries
Global: Unreached People Group- Cyrenaican Arab (Libya)